Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Take Two

So I finally got the proposal through the system and received the feedback...area of research sound but proposal a bit radical for standard academia. I was given some great steers on recent policy and legislation with a caveat to re-write a more focused and significantly shorter proposal. Oh yes and to get my head out of the anti-psychiatry movement i.e. the 60s, Laing and BigPharma :(

Well I am happy to say I completed it today and emailed it. So I wait with bated breath for the result.

The whole process has been demanding but extremely exciting as I try and raise my personal bar as high as I can for the benefit of others or at least that's the theory.

Going to read the McDonaldization of Social Work and Crime and Punishment as I head back to UK for a few weeks...

‘They called me mad, and I called them mad, and damn them, they outvoted me’

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