Thursday, January 17, 2008

Still in the Bardo...

Still waiting to hear from university about the PhD. The waiting is hard as the creative juices and enthusiasm are bubbling away...just don't want to peak! the meantime I have continued reading - everything. Finished the Brothers, what a masterpiece, feel a better person for having had the good fortune to come across it and finish it. Clearly a late developer, in my early 20s I had only read a handful of books from start to finish.

Also completed the initial phase of the psychosocial programme including major draft of methodology and a range of training materials. Also managed to conduct some initial research on people in Malaysia's view of mental health - fascinating.

There is a spectrum of experience on this planet that is infinite...from the horrors of war and torture to the unknown heroes trying to make a little bit of difference through kindness and compassion. If one is brave enough not to label, the mass of what is makes total sense in no sense other than the non dualistic manifestation of what is...

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